By Tom Di Cosola, RA/ILS Instructor CLE Denver

CLE Apartment Kitchen


In the ILS Department, we work with students on various living skills in their apartments. We also support students in learning to make their apartments their own. Having a decorated and personalized apartment can make you feel at peace amidst busy and stressful times with work or school. Also for students who are new to CLE and living on their own for the first time, it will help them make living in a new place feel more like their new home.

I had the chance to talk to two pairs of roommates about how and why they decorate their apartments.

Talli and Anna have a really fun and inviting atmosphere in their apartment. They say having all of the furniture gives them plenty of seating for guests and is perfect for a movie night

Talli and Anna - CLE Denver roommates
Talli and Anna have decorated the walls with posters. They put up posters for TV shows, movies, superheroes, and other things that they enjoy. Talli said she wanted to “show her passion for film and fantasy.” She went on to say, “I am surrounded by the things that I love, and it makes the apartment more welcoming for people that come over.”

When Anna first moved in at the beginning of the semester to be roommates with Talli she loved the apartment saying, “I liked that it was nerdy…I felt at home when I moved in [with Talli].”

Anna’s bedroom is decorated with Tibetan prayer flags from Morocco and the Renaissance Fair, black and white photography, dreamcatchers, and a pirate flag among other things. She likes to have items in her room from different places that she or friends have been to. She said about the dreamcatchers, “They are pretty and bring me closer to my Native American heritage.” Anna likes that her bedroom shows her interest in history and culture while the living room is more social and fun.

Talli and Anna have advice for other students: “Buy posters showing the things that you like and are interested in.”

Madi and Adrienne - roommates at CLE Denver
Adrienne and Madi have a very calm and welcoming atmosphere in their apartment. On one table where a TV will soon go, Adrienne has on display, dozens of 3D crystal puzzles that she constructed for fun. Under the coffee table is a large collection of engaging board games. Adrienne and Madi feel their set-up is great for entertaining guests.

On the walls, the apartment has many nice framed paintings and pictures. The kitchen especially pops from the different colors of utensils, appliances, and wall decorations. Having a fun kitchen is ideal for Adrienne since she often hosts CLE cooking groups.

CLE Adrienne in apartment bedroom
Each of the roommate’s bedrooms accent their personal style. Adrienne has many pillows, stuffed animals, a guitar, and hidden among them on the bed, her pet cat, Sugar. Madi has a shag chair with foot rest and an over-sized teddy bear. Both bedrooms have a color theme and a comfortable homey feel.

First time guests think that they have walked into a model apartment. When Madi moved in at the beginning of the semester, she was impressed with how neat it looked. She said, “Because the apartment looks nice, it makes me want to keep it clean and organized. Adrienne also thinks having a roommate makes her want to keep the shared areas nice and clean.”

CLE Madi in apartment bedroom
They recommend for other students to, “Put your own spin on decorating.” Adrienne said, “Your apartment tells people coming in who you are as a person.”