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So far CLE has created 229 blog entries.

Academic Accommodations – Stick it to the Stigma!

Students with disabilities can find themselves in situations where differences hinder their ability to complete work at the same rate as others. When students are offered tools to compensate for their difficulties, then the gap between them and their peers closes. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), "accommodations provide an alternative way to accomplish the course requirements by eliminating or reducing disability-related barriers."

2019-06-28T11:20:50-05:00News|Comments Off on Academic Accommodations – Stick it to the Stigma!

Say What You Mean

What would we say if there were no rules and no social consequences? What would we reveal about ourselves that is important to us, but we are afraid to say aloud because of how others might react? I posed that question to a group of CLE Rockville students, and passed out postcard sized paper.

2018-02-27T16:51:04-06:00News|Comments Off on Say What You Mean

Breathe Into It: Using Mindfulness to Make Meaningful Changes

Late last year, CLE-Austin students took a survey to let us know what groups they would find appealing. Surprisingly, our students indicated an interest in Mindfulness! Mindfulness, as it turns out, is one of the most skillful means to break free of outdated patterns and breakthrough to greater health and well-being.

2018-02-27T16:37:54-06:00News|Comments Off on Breathe Into It: Using Mindfulness to Make Meaningful Changes

CLE’s Top Chef

At the beginning, David talked about his desire to be independent and live on his own. Although he wanted this for himself he was unsure of what it looked like and where to begin. We worked together to break down skills and focus on one goal at a time. From the very beginning a goal David had was learning how to cook.

2018-01-31T10:12:30-06:00News|Comments Off on CLE’s Top Chef
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