
First Days in My New Apartment: Students and ILS Instructors Have a Range of New Experiences

Throughout our lives we experience a variety of "firsts," some big and some small. New students at CLE experienced an abundance of "firsts" this past month. Just to name a few: they started the first day of classes, the first day meeting their tutors and instructors, and the first day living in a new apartment.

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Following Through on Dreams After CLE

Jack has held a few different positions since his time at CLE and is now gainfully employed as an Uber driver! In addition to employment, Jack spends much of his time acting in plays for his local community theater. This is all to support his goals for his dream career. What is that?

2017-09-01T09:38:43-05:00Featured, News|Comments Off on Following Through on Dreams After CLE

CLE Was Instrumental in My Success

Allison Kronen came to CLE 4 years ago looking for a program that would offer her the academic and life skills she needed to succeed independently in life. Allison always knew her love for animals, specifically dogs, would bring her to becoming a professional dog groomer. She fondly remembers CLE today as a “Great Home Away from Home.”

2017-08-24T09:07:17-05:00CLE Student, Featured, News|Comments Off on CLE Was Instrumental in My Success

Looking for Company Success? Make Sure to Look for a Team of Passionate Professionals

At College Living Experience (CLE), we know the anatomy of success has many chapters. We believe the team chapter is one of the most critical and must be filled with passionate top notch professionals dedicated to your mission.

2017-09-05T09:48:26-05:00News|Comments Off on Looking for Company Success? Make Sure to Look for a Team of Passionate Professionals
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