Dan’s parents Cliff and Michelle on their son’s CLE experience:
Our son Dan contracted meningitis as a newborn and has struggled with retaining information his whole life. He attended private and public schools across the country that helped him grow intellectually, but didn’t foster social and independent growth. Without a true peer group at any of his previous schools, Dan had a hard time establishing meaningful relationships, even though he is very outgoing and social.
During Dan’s high school senior year we realized that we needed to find something to help Dan grow into an independent adult and achieve his goals. After Dan enrolled in CLE and we saw what he could accomplish, we knew it was an excellent program to help him develop his independent living and academic skills.
CLE provides intensive academic tutoring, independent living skills instruction and lots of individual attention for social growth. The program appealed to Dan because it offers a college experience in an environment where he felt like he belonged. CLE appealed to us as parents because it encourages his independence and his academic and personal growth.
Dan has a knack for exceeding our expectations, so we never sold him short when he said he wanted to study journalism and experience independence away from home. Now Dan cooks for himself, organizes outings to sporting events and plans to continue his education at a four-year university. His new-found cooking skills even inspired him to turn over a healthy leaf and lose 12 pounds!
CLE was exactly what our family needed to keep Dan moving forward toward his goals and ours.