Freedom. Independence. Confidence.
We find most students want to live on their own, but they may not have ALL the Independent Living Skills (ILS) in place to be successful.
In many cases, parents may not realize their kids need help developing ILS because there’s such a great support system at home. And that’s OK! You’re supposed to help your children.
CLE’s comprehensive support system is designed to pick up where you left off. We coach young adults to build the ILS skills they need to make independent living a reality. Things like managing finances and establishing new routines can be overwhelming at first, but we’re here to help guide students through all aspects of living independently while building confidence and competence.

Your safety is our top priority. In addition to living with a roommate at an apartment near campus, you’ll be living among other CLE students and near a Resident Advisor (RA). While CLE is not a 24/7 program, our students can contact the RA or on-call staff support as needed to address daily and unique situations that arise—from forgetting your keys to needing help when you are sick.
We feel apartment living provides the best possible learning setting for our students and gives college-age students an excellent educational opportunity. Also, apartment living exposes students to a greater set of skills that set them up for success in life after college.
Definitely. Our ILS services cover nine different areas of independent living. These areas extend to higher-level skills outside of the home such as transportation, community resources, legal issues and citizenship, housing and emergency skills. In addition, we have a Financial Inventory that teaches financial literacy skills and tracks progress over time.
Sure! Creating a morning routine helps establish a good structure for the rest of the day. Good personal hygiene has a positive effect on making personal connections. If you don’t pay attention to wellness, you may have a hard time staying awake in class or focusing at work.
Independent living skills are crucial in many environments, including home, community, school, and the workplace. We often see how compromised ILS skills interfere with the ability to be successful in life.
While living with a roommate in an apartment, students receive instruction in the areas of financial management, personal hygiene, health and wellness, community access, and public transportation mobility training.
Absolutely not! ILS services are based upon each student’s unique needs and goals.