Transition to college. Pursue a career. Build a life away from home.
College Living Experience delivers wrap-around transition supports for young adults with disabilities.
About CLE.
Since 1989, College Living Experience (CLE) has been providing transition supports to young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD and other varying exceptionalities. Our success as the industry leader stems from our commitment to remain focused on the potential of each individual we serve. Over the years the evolution and innovation of CLE services has been based on our mission which inspires us to reach beyond the boundaries of the traditional supports.
The CLE team is dedicated to providing the highest quality of individualized services across the areas of academics, career development, independent living, and social skills. It’s these wrap-around supports that help each student experience independence as they transition to college, pursue a career and build a life away from home.
#whatif it were possible
Your Path. Our Supports.
Learn more about CLE services and how each layer of support can assist in your post-secondary transition to independence.
Preparing Young Adults for the Workforce: A Successful Experience for Employer and Employee
One of the most important aspects of adult life can be finding a rewarding career that provides the opportunity to contribute, learn, and grow personally and professionally.
Success of all Sizes
It is important to recognize that each day brings successes - sometimes small successes, stepping stones to larger ones, and sometimes big successes, the ending of one chapter and the start of another.
Life on the Spectrum: an Inside Perspective
Each day as we wake and venture into the world, we strive to impact our communities by being a productive citizen; contributing our skills and responding to one another with simple acts of kindness.
Confessions of a Relentless Nag
It's been six weeks and he's doing fine. My separation anxiety has abated somewhat, too. Oh, who am I kidding? For most of my son’s life he’s been misunderstood [...]