TeenLife LIVE: Gap Year Virtual Fair

Nov 16,2023 - Dive into the TeenLife Gap Year Virtual Fair! Curated to reflect the depth of a conventional fair, we feature a range of speakers eager to guide students, parents, and educators through the gap year journey.

World Autism Conference & Exposition

AN OPEN DOOR is the forthcoming documentary reflecting on the influential life and work of Dr. Temple Grandin as a champion of the humane treatment of livestock, autism rights and inclusive neurodiversity by employing her gifted insights from her personal experience with autism and visual thinking.

2024 College & Transitions Fair

Winston Prep 901 Route 10 East, Whippany, NJ, United States

Join us for this opportunity to meet College Representatives & learn about support programs for students who learn differently.

Post High School Fair

Franklin High School, Franklin, MA 218 Oak St, Franklin, MA, United States

Join us for Franklin High School's Post High School Fair! April 4, 2024 [...]

Flash Forward Resource Fair

Annandale High School Cafeteria 4700 Medford Dr, Annandale, VA, United States

This event is designed to provide students with disabilities seeking a standard or advanced diploma and their families an introduction to options available after high school. Representatives from adult education, employment, and community programs (college, military, apprenticeship, trade school, gap year, and employment) will host information tables.

TACT Annual Car Show Resource Fair

Vehicle Vault 18301 Lincoln Meadows Pkwy, Parker, CO, United States

Join us as we continue to raise the much needed funds for our programming and new career tracks!

San Diego Expansion Webinar

JOIN US CLE President, Amy Radochonski, and Senior Vice President of Growth and [...]